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 1240 Market St. Suite 4
Yuba City, CA 95991


One-Stop Auto Repair Shop

About Us

Over 35 Years Experience in the Automotive Repair Industry

Automotive Service by Denis stands for honesty and commitment. Building long-term customer relationships founded on high quality performance is the cornerstone of the business. The substantial base of repeat customers demonstrates the importance that I place on building lasting relationships. Why should you settle for anything less? In everything I do, you’ll see how I’ve earned a reputation for integrity. I like to take the time to educate the customers on the specific service being performed and answer any type of questions they may have.

From oil changes and brakes to transmissions and diagnostics, Automotive Service by Denis offers you quality auto repair services without costing you a fortune. I am dedicated to you, our customer, as customer service is my top priority. Automotive Service by Denis makes sure to be dependable, reliable, and trustworthy, and I always keep my appointments on-time so that you can keep yours.

  • Call Now to Learn More!

  • Adjustments and In-Car Repairs, Reseal Job , Replace Accessible Parts, Etc.

  • Vehicle manufacturers recommend brake repair inspection at regular intervals, usually every 12,000 miles, to ensure vehicle safety and cost effective repairs.

  • The cost of repairing your air-conditioner is much more affordable than you think and with a Cooling System Check Up, you can save yourself a large AC repair bill down the road.


Read What Our Happy Customers Have To Say!

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